Intelligence to Business

We help you

stand out from competitors with the power of artificial intelligence

develop cutting-edge web applications

make decision based on the information hidden in your data

Our Services

Web Application Development

Fullstack web development

Frontend web development

Backend development

Artificial Intelligence

Unlock new business opportunities with AI

AWS cloud consulting

Monitoring and optimizing AWS deployments

Implementing DevOps practices

Setting up and configuring AWS services

Computer Vision

Person identification

Human pose estimation

Object recognition with small samples

Graph Analytics

Graph modeling and graph learning

Knowledge mining from graph data

Anomaly detection

AI System Architecture

Cloud-based AI architecture

Front-end-edge-cloud infrastructure

Our Customers

©  ENSINTEK, 2019

+358 50 3743012


Business ID: 2283524-4


Kukkaniitynkatu 4B

Tampere 33710
